Are you compliant with PDP & PDA?

compliant with PDP & PDA

How compliant are you with  PDP/PDA/Reflections requirements?

How are you documenting it?

Are you relying on notes from various courses attended to work out your reflections?

Do you currently have a consistent and reliable system in place to update your PDP and document your PDAs?

A summary of compliance requirements are:

  1. All documentation to be kept for ‘3 years’
  2. A ‘live’ document that is shown to be continually updated
  3. PDA to be ‘clinically’ related
  4. Personal ‘reflection’ aspect is mandatory
  5. CPD numbers are ‘not required’ anymore
  6. Regular ‘peer’ contact is advised

What format are you using to document currently?

Which format will suit your recording style the best?

  1. Putting Pen to Paper by using a dedicated notebook 
  2. Recording on a notes app on your mobile phone 
  3. Using a dedicated document on Microsoft Word/Excel 
  4. Using a dedicated ‘live’ document on Google Docs/Google Sheets 
  5. How often are you reviewing your PDP document?
  6. How often are you updating your PDP/PDA and reflections?

Join Dental Blueprints and watch our video guide on PDP/PDA and Reflections!